Fox International Consulting

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คอร์สสำหรับครูมีทั้งหมด 21 หลักสูตร ดังนี้ 1. Introduction to Finnish Pedagogy 2. Phenomenon-Based Learning 3. Student-Centred Learning 4. Gamification of Learning – Is It Only Fun and Games? 5. Active Learning 6. Integration of Physical Education in the Classroom 7. Cross-Curricular (Interdisciplinary) Teaching 8. 21st Century Skills in the Classroom 9. Classroom Management and Disturbance Reduction 10. Assessment – Why, How, and for Whom? 11. Self-Assessment* 12. Differentiated Instruction – How to Help Each 13.Student Succeed 14. Special Education Needs 15. ADHD – Turning Challenges into Strengths* 16. E-Learning – Basic Online Pedagogy 17. E-Learning for Primary Teachers 18. E-Learning for Subject Teachers (Lower and Upper Secondary) 19. Programming at School 20. Content and Language Integrated Learning 21. Innovative English Language Teaching – สำหรับผู้บริหารสถานศึกษา มี 7 หลักสูตร เช่น 1. Leadership in Education 2. School Competence Profiles* 3. Building Blocks of Successful Educational Organizations* 4. Principles of Supporting Successful Education* 5. Assessment – Why, How, and for Whom? 6. Self-Assessment* 7. Staff Team-Building*