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Educational Toy

In 5 or 10 years’ time, society will change drastically with AI and robotics progress. Childhood experiences nurture the unlimited potential in us to innovate, find solutions and overcome the challenges we all face in our future.

KUMIITA is a programming toy for children starting from 7 months old that adapts the fun and challenge as they grow. KUMIITA is CE marking and ST (Japan Safety Toy) approved, so you can trust KUMIITA is safe and sanitary.

KUMIITA not only develops programming skills, but the ability to think logically. As the child grows, panels can be added little by little, and Expansion Panel Sets provide a bigger programming challenge for when they are ready.

The purpose of the KUMIITA series is not to teach a programming language, but through programming, to foster problem discovery, investigation, reasoning, and expressivity.

Playing with KUMIITA, children can master the basic statements of programming. Freely arrange the panels and KUMIITA will follow along!

Panels are expressed in pictures and colors—no words, so reading ability is not required. Moving along blinking, making sounds and doing spins, KUMIITA peaks every child’s intellectual curiosity as they naturally experience programming concepts.

Children are encouraged to think logically about each action and how to combine the panels to execute their program to get KUMIITA to the Goal Panel. Children will create a habit of thinking while working with their hands to try out ideas cultivates a child’s persistence in face of difficulty.

KUMIITA is a new learning method for young children to learn by themselves and think for themselves, and is now beginning to take root in educational institutions. Just put in batteries to begin. No Wi-Fi connection or other device is needed. KUMIITA is one educational toy that can be enjoyed anywhere.

KUMIITA enables children around the world to develop their creativity for this future.