GeniRobot Co., Ltd.

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GENIBOT : All–in-one educational robot which is capable of Interactive teaching for coding concept, STEAM, and Artificial Intelligence education for young students. From unplugged card coding to line-tracing, grid, language, music, mathematics in a variety of ways of STEAM, as well as Artificial Intelligence for education to teach from the Age 4+ to teenagers. They can graduate to learn them with our fun mobile app, and then finally move to block coding and AI programming with Scratch 3.0 and Python. Our GENIBOT can be customized with Legos and other accessories to play the game. It can be connected via Bluetooth and our LIMS platform to connect with peers and teachers.

LIMS Platform : It is the world-first educational platform service based on the robot as LIMS (Learning Interactive Multiple Service) platform is a cloud-based interactive coding education solution. It enables two-way communication for educators and students to utilize GENIBOT together in one-on-one or group classes, both in person and remotely. Instructors can control each student’s GENIBOT in real time, no matter where the student is located in the world. Students can also learn by themselves and teachers will be provided with full activity reports, helping make individualized instruction possible for every student.